Home Installation Maintenance Test & Inspect Fire Safety Contacts JPM logo
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Fire safety:

It only takes one incorrectly-wired plug to start a fire. Any appliance from a computer to a recharging mobile phone is connected to enough power to start a fire.

Spot the danger signs

• A fuse blows for no reason
• Brown scorch marks on sockets or plugs
• Flickering lights
• Plugs or sockets feel hot

If you see any of these, get a qualified electrician to check your electrics.

Treat electricity with respect

• Don't overload sockets
• Keep water and electrics apart
• Check for bare or loose wires and wear and tear on cables
• Don't run cables under carpets or rugs

Don't do DIY electrics. If repairs or changes need to be made call an electrician.

How JPM electrical can improve fire safety in your home

• Wiring Check
If your wiring hasn't been updated for at least 10 years, it is recommended that you have it checked for fire safety purposes.

• Get a mains-powered smoke alarm fitted.
There are many more options than just a battery-operated alarm available, such as mains-powered alarms, alarms with emergency lights for the hearing impaired, interconnecting or linked alarms and mains-powered alarms with strobed lights and vibrating pads. JPM electrical can advise on the options available and the number and positioning of alarms required for the size of your home. All our alarms meet BS 5839.

• Emergency lighting
In the event of a power failure, emergency lighting will illuminate exit points throughout the building. All our installations meet BS 5266.

• Periodic inspections
Periodic inspections can be carried out as frequently as you require, although it is recommended that domestic properties are checked every 10 years or on a change of occupancy. Residential accommodation, including rented property should be checked every 5 years or on a change of occupancy. If you have any concerns about the wiring in your home contact JPM electrical for a free visual inspection and free advice.

• Fire extinguishers and fire blankets
JPM electrical can also supply you with fire blankets and fire extinguishers. We will advise you on which type you need and where best to position them. We will also mount them and explain how to use them.

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